属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-邻避主义与选举 柏油碎石路反对者投票
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-曼恩·阿尔萨尼亚 沙特巨头冲突
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-性骚扰 龌龊但是更少了
1 | (指论证等)取决于某中心或要点,随某事物而转移 | (of an argument,etc)dependon sth central or essential;hinge on sth | |
2 | 成败之机,其在斯乎? | Does not success or failure hinge on this? | |
3 | 简而言之,有时业务关系好坏会与这些细微、琐碎的小事有很大关系。 | In short, the fate of a business relationship can hinge on such seemingly minor details. | |
4 | 某事为某人未来的关键 | sb’s future would hinge on sth | |
5 | 千秋功罪,系于一念之间。 | Merits and demerits to be recorded in history hinge on the decision made in a moment | |
6 | 说来也妙,一个社会的文化本质,竟然维系于另一个国家的经济发展。 | It is interesting that part of the cultural foundation of a society should hinge on the economic growth of another country. | |
7 | 他的接受与否将视条件而定。 | His acceptance will hinge on the terms. | |
8 | 他说之所以将这起琐事留给我去做,是因为他缺乏耐心。其实,他是否愿意做一件事往往决定于如果让我自己去做那件事,是否我会学到些东西。 | He left that chore to me, he said, because he didn’t have the patience. Yet what he did or did not want to do often seemed to hinge on what I might learn from doing it myself. | |
9 | 太阳电池阵板间铰链副刚度参数辨识 | The Stiffness Parameter Identification of Hinge on Solar Array | |
10 | 一切都要取决于你的行动,所以要特别小心。 | Everything will hinge on what you do, so be very careful | |
11 | 一切社会的发展和进步,都取决于人的发展和进步,取决于人的尊严的维护和价值的发挥。 | Progress and development of a society hinge on human progress and development and depend on how well human dignity is maintained and how much human value is realized. | |
12 | ||1:2010年,麦克劳德以强烈反对机场扩建开展竞选活动,以1958的多数票赢得了席位。||2:尽管希思罗机场不是当地选民唯一担忧的事,但麦克劳德的当选仍取决于这位保守党人在与同样反对建设大机场的工党候选人露丝·凯德波里相比时,能多有效地提高自己的辨识度。||3:麦克劳德的困境指出了工党存在的一个更大问题。||4:通常为了提高舒适度、意图良好的升级城市道路、机场和铁路等计划会触动邻避主义核心支持者的敏感神经。 | ||1:Ms Macleod first won the seat in 2010 with a majority of 1,958 by campaigning heavily against airport expansion.||2:And although Heathrow is not the only issue worrying local voters, winning the seat could still hinge on how effectively the Conservative incumbent can distinguish herself from Ruth Cadbury, the Labour candidate, who is also against a bigger airport.||3:Ms Macleod’s plight points to a larger problem for the Conservatives.||4:Too often for comfort, well-meaning plans to improve the country’s roads, airports and railways clash with the NIMBYish instincts of their core supporters. | |
13 | ||1:最高法院本周对于非法移民的讨论也许只持续了一个小时,但是美国的政客们看上去从未停止在非法移民这个问题上大做文章。||2:最高法院裁决这个涉及到亚利桑那州州法律的案子还将花上几个月,但是参议院中民主党的领袖已经在计划,一旦最高法院判亚利桑那州州法律有效,就发动一场投票来推翻这一决议。||3:由于参议院中共和党的反对,这一投票多半会失败,但民主党却能把这一话题保留在公众视野中。||4:民主党也批评米特·罗姆尼,因为这位预定的共和党总统竞选人支持这一法律。||5:同时,罗姆尼认为这整场闹剧只不过是民主党人想借此来分散西班牙裔选民的注意力,让他们忽视奥巴马总统作为经济守门人的失职。||6:民主共和两党都承认,经济状态和激起西班牙裔美国人愤慨的亚利桑那州法律,都可能影响总统大选的结果. | ||1: IT MAY have taken the Supreme Court just an hour to wrap up its discussion of illegal immigration this week, but America’s politicians, it seems, cannot get enough of the subject. ||2: It will be several months before the court rules on the case in question, which concerns a state law in Arizona, but Democratic leaders in the Senate are already planning a vote to overturn its decision if the law is upheld. ||3: That vote would presumably fail, thanks to Republican opposition, but it would allow the Democrats to keep the subject in the news. ||4: Democrats are also attacking Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, for supporting the law. ||5: Mr Romney, meanwhile, has dismissed the whole fuss as an effort to distract Hispanic voters from Mr Obama’s failings as steward of the economy. ||6: The outcome of the presidential race, both sides acknowledge, could conceivably hinge on whether it is the state of the economy or laws like Arizona’s that stir more indignation among Hispanics. | |
14 | Epic案件的结果可能取决于法院如何界定相关市场。在苹果公司看来,苹果应用商店只是庞大数字平台的一部分,它可以合理地宣称自己不是垄断企业。Epic则持有狭隘的观点,它认为苹果手机本身就是一个市场。 | The Epic case may hinge on how the court defines the relevant market. In Apple’s eyes the App Store is part of a broader universe of digital platforms in which it can reasonably claim not to be a monopolist. Epic takes a narrower view, arguing that iPhones are a market unto themselves. | |
15 | 围绕TIBC倒闭的法庭纷争关键在于对萨尼亚的角色的范围和性质的争论,即是最近法庭备案和TIBC前CEO已清楚阐明的一些事情。 | The court battles surrounding TIBC’s collapse hinge on this row about the extent and nature of Mr Sanea’s role—something that recent court filings and TIBC’s former boss have shed some light on. | |
16 | 因为它们通常取决于不同数据的解释,而不是影印机记录下的不同描述。 | Such cases typically hinge on different interpretations of statistics rather than differing accounts of what happened by the photocopier. | |
17 | 奥巴马迄今为止一直不愿支持这些举措,但他的决定可能还是要取决于选民的情绪。 | Mr Obama has so far been unwilling to support such measures, but his resolve may hinge on the mood of the electorate. | |
18 | 北汽控股的机会在于通用与麦格纳的谈判破裂。 | BAIC’s chances hinge on a failure of GM’s negotiations with Magna. | |
19 | 对许多人来说,该“等候”流感大流行的是另一个关键要靠领导的无奈和绝望门口的消息。 | To many, the news of the "pending" Pandemic of Influenza is just another hinge on the doorway leading to helplessness and hopelessness. | |
20 | 该届政府的政治运途已在经济衰退中备受打击,极可能深陷于此次地震对财政造成的长期影响中难于自拔。 | The government’s political fortunes, already hit by the recession, might hinge on this disaster’s long-term effect on Kiwis’ finances. | |
21 | 高盛内部人士认为,在短期内,布兰克费恩的前途取决于股价走势(上周五高盛股价下跌逾12%)。 | Goldman insiders believe Mr Blankfein’s near-term future will hinge on the share price, which lost more than 12 per cent on Friday. | |
22 | 铰链密封式传动滚子链的道路试验研究 | Test of Transmission Roller Chain Sealed by Hinge on Road | |
23 | 美国农业部对玉米产量的预测是基于乐观的假设。 | US forecasts hinge on optimistic assumptions about crop yields. | |
24 | 然而,溥敦的命运可能取决于法国总统尼古拉-萨科奇(NicolasSarkozy),萨科奇的商业影响力并不局限于国有企业。 | Yet his fate may hinge on Nicolas Sarkozy, whose business influence is not confined to state-owned companies. | |
25 | 四处都是正当合理的担忧,但没有一个是关于美元-人民币汇率问题的。 | Valid concerns all around and none of them hinge on the dollar-yuan rate. | |
26 | 通知描述符的配置选项有赖于类型(XML)属性的命名规范。 | Configuration choices for notification descriptors will hinge on the naming convention for the type’s (XML) attribute. | |
27 | 维持这种回升更是得依靠经济投资和大量出口。 | Maintaining the upswing will hinge on businesses investing and exporting more. | |
28 | 在一定程度上,进展将会依赖对第二个难题的处理:寻求一种方式让国际安全援助部队和阿富汗政府能够更有效地合作。 | Progress will to an extent hinge on managing the second bind: finding a way for ISAF to work more productively with the Afghan government. | |
29 | 这对经济的潜在威胁将取决于美国能够多么好地应对2007-08年的石油冲击之后的局面。 | The potential threat to the economy may hinge on how well Americans have adapted in the wake of the oil shock of 2007-08. |